A memoir and other observations from a man who's lived life 'not quite famous enough

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

United Nations...for the Not So United States

It is not so much a red banner day as a rainbow flag moment. Gays the world over should not be discriminated against, so says the United Nations in an historic moment, adopting a resolution supporting equal rights for gays. Did you hear that "Faggot" slurring sports stars and, yes, I am talking to you Tracey Morgan for whom this must be a bit of a 'stab in the heart'. But it is not just the law of the land, it is the understanding of the world. So if the United Nations can understand and facilitate such understanding...what is still wrong with this united nation known as the United States. Just how can we stand by the UN resolution without fully understanding the hypocrisy that still permitted this United...or not so united...States. We still have discrimination in the armed forces. (Sure, sure, committee after committee has to still weigh in on the ridding of DADT. Until then where are we?) Gay Weddings? Good for some in some states...intolerable to others in most states. This is simple discrimination. Let us learn from the resolution and have some truth in advertising for once. If we want to call ourselves the United States...can't we just be United? Really!?!

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that the we need resolutions and laws to keep us from discriminating against other people. This is the kind of thing that's holding us back as a civilization.


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