A memoir and other observations from a man who's lived life 'not quite famous enough

Monday, June 20, 2011

Penalizing A Faggot

You have Kobe Bryant shouting out the word Faggot...then again with the jets guy and David Tyree speaking out against Gay Marriage...and of course you have Tracey Morgan being downright hateful against gays and there are no ramifications. Even the sight of Weiner's Weiner has brought down a Congressman. Are people that afraid of Gays in this day and age? Well Marc Freden, too, has been given pause with the issue.

As a gay man, even he feels the need to apologize for the blatant use of the word "Faggot" in his new book "REALLY!?!" Now Freden using the "F" word should get a tacit pass...much like black people using the "N" word to describe themselves. His harmless use of the word...(And you must read the book to understand) has lead him to a video mea culpa on YouTube "Marc Freden Must Apologize to the Gay Community".

Furthermore, Freden has pledged that if Kobe Bryant can be fined $50,000 then he too should pay a price. A percentage of every book sold as a result of his apology will go to the Trevor Project - a gay hot line for distressed teens looking for a voice of calm and understanding. It is the least he can do. Who will join Freden in this cause?

1 comment:

  1. Marc, interesting observation: Your post above was posted on my website 10 minutes BEFORE you posted it on YOUR website. Three possibilities: You wrote the original on my site; a autobot wrote it; or, you are a time traveler and we witnessed a wrinkle in the fabric of space-time. I do like the idea that you will donate to the Trevor Project. Good work.


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